Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Is that your ghost, or are you really there?

I was reading the blog of a girl I know with my friend earlier, and it really became apparant that my generation of people are completely obsessed with being almost clones of each other. I used to be one of these people, that is until year seven ended and I realised how utterly dull it was.

Even now we've left, people are still desperate to be the same as each other. Thankfully I won't have to see or speak to many of them again, however lots of them are going to the same college as me (I don't know why, they're failing at least half of their GCSEs...) and I'm dreading seeing them. It's all well and good talking about how college is a fresh start, but it isn't entirely. I'm hoping and praying that I'll meet people who are more like-minded, instead of just a new bunch of image-obsessed, selfish idiots.

I've never fully understood it. Why would anybody want to pretend to like everything someone else likes, just to fit in. I'd rather have only a few friends based on my own strengths, likes, dislikes etc, than lots of friends based on the strengths, likes and dislikes of basically nobody.

This girl (the one whose blog it was) is the sort of person that willingly will switch their opinion several times within just one conversation in order to please the others in the conversation. She's very much into being ''individual'' and ''outspoken'' but nothing she ever says or does is real. I don't understand it, why are people so image driven, so desperate to be the person somebody else supposedly wants them to be?

Why people can't just simply be themselves is beyond me, but it seems that each day more and more people I know are just giving in and being somebody they're really not. Surely, and I know this is a radical idea, but surely it is a much better idea to be yourself - and be proud of it.

I like music that nobody else seems to like - I hate so called 'indie' music with a passion but I love anything from Eurovision or similar. I genuinely would rather spend my Friday nights doing work (homework, revision, trying to learn random foreign words...) than drunk in a field somewhere. I wouldn't be caught dead going to the gig of a rubbish band somebody in my year is in - and no, I'm not being uncool...I'm being this concept called real, and sticking to my own opinions. I'd rather listen to my teachers and feel inspired by them than pick apart everything they say and humiliate them while they're trying to actually teach us something - that's no bad thing. I don't want a 'boyfriend' just so I can tell people I love someone and am loved back. And guess what? I don't care whether people are happy with that or not, because I'm fine with it...and nothing else really matters in the end, does it?

I know that sounds a little like I don't care what other people think about me, I do, of course I do. To say I didn't would be lying, because I think everybody does, even just a little bit. I'm more interested in how my peers view my own personality though, rather than how cool they think I am or similar. I'd much rather be liked by one person for being myself than ten people for being somebody else, wouldn't you?

I'll leave you with that little question and will (hopefully) be back later with a 'review' of the 5 already qualified ESC songs (what can I say, I'm obsessed...)



  1. very well said! and that band is truly crap ( i think were thinknig of the same one ) and yes to the question

  2. I agree with you wholeheartedly Rach. You can be viewed as a god by all the other 'popular' people at school, but generally that means you've not got a lot of thought going on below the surface and you're not gonna go far in life because you're too busy drinking yourself into oblivion rather than working for a future ahead.
    I've always thought that a close group of friends was far better than a crowd of fake friends and since getting that group of close friends I've never regretted thinking that because I can be myself around you guys and that's so much more fun.
