Thursday, 1 July 2010


About an hour ago I sat down at my laptop and began uploading photos from tonight - prom night. It's absolutely mad that it's already over, but I had such an amazing time tonight anyway.

My dress was red and throughout the evening I kept hearing people going "ooh I like the red, suits her". That was quite odd because I don't normally tend to attract attention from, well, anybody really. Everybody looked incredible in their dresses and suits, though it was tough continually making sure I didn't stand on the skirt of anybody's dress all evening...

The night didn't get off to a great start, people started eating as soon as we went in so we all mostly sat around for about an hour talking and taking photos. We had some professional ones taken by the photographer that Eliza rather liked and chatted to our form tutor (well, some of us anyway) then went and sat down again. This tended to be how it worked for about an hour.

Then, finally, Danny got everybody up and dancing for a while (even though I can't dance). Some of the dan
cing highlights were:
- Watching 'The Newse', our head of year and another teacher doing the Macarena. The wiggly hips were hilarious...

- Watching one girl dancing with, well, everybody whilst her dress was slipping down (the dress wasn't the highlight, the dancing was - it was mental)
- Dancing with Lucy to Hero by Enrique Iglesias as it had been requsted by Danny (and me, but he went and actually did it)

I don't have much else to say other than that I'm incredibly sad that tonight was the last time our year will ever really be together. So instead, I'll leave you with a collage of pictures taken tonight. I'm exhausted, so I'm going to bed.



  1. I told you you would have a great time and you indeed had a great time. You looked lovely and it looked so much fun and it is always good to be with friend, even if it is the last time, the last school time but it doesn´t mean you have to stop talking or caring about them. Congratlations for the great time and viva la vida! :)

  2. Thank you :) My head of year also hugged me which was odd but nice. I did dance though.

  3. Glad you've had a great time! Prom's one of the best moments of our lives! I can still remember mine few years back. It was really memorable 'coz that night, I confessed my feelings for the girl that I like. That girl happens to be my wife now. Isn't that awesome?
