Friday, 17 September 2010


I joined a choir today. It's not world changing news, but it's pretty big for me. As a follow up to my 'Should' post, once I heard that the head of music at college wanted to start one, I decided to join. I've secretly wanted to be a part of a choir for a long time now, years even.

It all started when I first watched Gareth Malone's choir series. I had previously been part of three 'choirs' when I was in school pantomimes but they were never proper choirs and the people there never really wanted to be there. I once featured in the school's Christmas concert at the local church, which was a pretty cool experience but again, most others in it didn't really want to be.

Our first rehearsal was pretty fun, we sung Run by Snow Patrol and Rob, the 'choirmaster', told us he thought we sounded good - I got the impression that he was pleasantly shocked by us all... It felt pretty good to be singing with a bunch of people who I knew weren't just judging me - that's the big difference between this and high school, everybody is there by choice, everybody is that bit more mature. It amused me that both of my English teachers were there, as well as a French teacher who stood next to me and kept chatting to me randomly. We're singing Panis Angelicus next week...interesting.

I also got invited back to the school open evening to 'man' a World Challenge stand, and of course, I accepted. It amuses me greatly how I'm still the most reliable team member, even though I've left. But to be honest, I want to go so I can see people again. That, and I love talking about my World Challenge expedition, so of course I'd want to. I also got asked if I was interested in speaking at a conference about my World Challenge experience. I said that I would if I was needed. I know that nobody else will want to, and I'm sure it'll look pretty good on my CV or university applications. That, and I don't want to say no to things just because I know it's a bit nerve-wracking. Asking myself if I should or shouldn't is something that I do a lot, and I'm still trying to say 'go for it' more than 'probably not going to bother'.

And finally, I'm also joining the college's Amnesty International group. Myself and two friends went to the welcome meeting on Wednesday and it was really eye opening. We'll be running a two day campaign in October (or November, my brain's a little fuzzy on the details) on the Niger Delta issue they're currently campaigning for. Please check out what they do here:

One last thing: I know I've been a rubbish blogger recently, I'm going to try much harder to get up to speed with it. The summer project is currently on hold until I next have a holiday. It's my birthday tomorrow, so I probably won't have much to blog about then...I'll be too busy celebrating :P


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