Wednesday, 17 November 2010


Some say that those who bully you are jealous of you, don't they? I wish I could believe that idea, but there's something that just stops me fully buying the idea of it.

I'm not sure whether what I'm about to talk about counts as bullying, but it's nasty behaviour and completely I'm going to class it in that way for now.

Here's the deal: today was the first day of Children in Need fundraising at college. I've got to be honest, I wasn't expecting it to be a roaring success...mostly because of the irritating people sprawled across the stage in front of our stall who refused to move, but also because I've seen the people who go to my college...they're about as apathetic as a bunch of teenagers can get really. Anyway, I wasn't expecting it to go well...and it went slightly better than I'd anticipated, so it could've been worse.

There's a bunch of people who I know who, for a long time now, have liked to think they're 'it'. Yes, these 'queen bee' types even exist at college. When I took part in the Amnesty International campaign, one of them took to quite literally laughing in my face about it whenever I passed her. Pathetic? Yes. Did it bother me? No, I'm used to it by now to be honest. This girl, along with several of her friends, then mocked our campaign on Facebook one evening. Pathetic again? Definitely...

The same few people have once again taken to mocking me/what the Children in Need group are doing, not over Facebook...this time in the middle of the common room while we were selling cakes. Why am I mentioning all of this? Because I still find it hard to believe that so many people my age are as immature and pathetic as they are. Apparently we're the 'freaks' for doing the fundraising. But what about the people who ridicule fundraising and refuse to get involved and HELP SOMEBODY WHO ISN'T SPOILT LIKE THEY ARE? Surely they're the real freaks, and quite frankly, I'm laughing at them. How narrowminded can one person be to actually react to someone trying to make a difference in such a lame way?

But hey, I won't be losing any sleep over it. And if it continues, they could face a two week suspension from college. Yeah, I'm not taking crap from anyone anymore.



  1. People like that will be around anywhere you , that´s fact and don´t mind about then, do what makes you feel good and what is important to you. I agree when you said you´ll not take crap from anyone, it´s you right and if they don´t like what you are doing, what you chose , it´s their problem.

  2. Hi there. I've recently been having friend problems at school and I wanted to tell you how much I admire you for not caring what people think. You really inspire me.

  3. Sophie, are you the same girl who I'm following?

  4. I still maintain they're worthless, and in my opinion they always have been ( looking at it from an inside perspective of course )
