Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Don't ask for a 'slap' in Croatia...

So, I've been talking to James this evening a little about languages/the languages we're learning (we're in the same Spanish class) and I told him that I know lots of random foreign words...seen as I'm in a bloggy mood but not really in the mood to do a proper blog, I thought I'd come here and list a few random ones for you :)

Metamfiesi - Greek for 'masquerade'
Broek - Afrikaans for 'trousers'
Forenta Staterna - Swedish for 'United States'
Slap - Croatian for 'waterfall'
Jestem - Polish for 'I am'
Estou - Portuguese for 'I am'
Wufan - Chinese for 'lunch'
Sayonara - Japanese for 'goodbye'
Kiitos - Finnish for 'thanks'
Furrë - Albanian for 'bakery'
Åpenbart - Norwegian for 'obviously'

There are more, but I think you all get the gist, haha :) 

While we're talking about languages, the kind folks at Byki found my review and as a sort of thank you I guess for the fact that it was a good review let me download a deluxe version of the software free of charge. Obviously, I picked Swedish and I can't wait to try it out. The person I emailed did tell me they didn't expect me to then review the deluxe software, but obviously I will do a little post if nothing more to just compare deluxe with normal. With the few lists I downloaded from List Central I now have 173 lists now that it's upgraded to Deluxe, so I'm already impressed with how thorough it seems without even having really used it yet. 

While I'm on study leave I'm also going to revamp last year's failed summer project, I still have my folder and cute little cards so I'm going to at least try and use them in some way this year. 


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