Tuesday, 7 June 2011


"Parea (Greek)

Used to describe a group of friends that gather together purely for the enjoyment of each other’s company. The time between visits does not matter, the spirit between them is the same."

I stole that little description from @Foreign_Words. What a wonderful, wonderful word. I remember when this really, truly summed up me and my friends. It still does a little, but not as much because it's usually just a few of us now whenever we have our little gatherings. 
I went out with Danny and Eliza on Friday because we were bored and needed something to do. I'm SO glad we went out. We bowled (badly) and Eliza found a Swedish woman who looked like my CoPE teacher, then we went to Pizza Hut and then we wandered around for a while until Eliza and I went and bought coffees. We then sat outside on our bench (yes, we claim it every time we go there) and talked for what felt like, and maybe even was, hours. About everything and anything. It felt good, really good, in fact. I felt normal, I felt like I had friends. More of that feeling please?

I'm seriously in need of a Starbucks and a catch up with both Fern and Becky though. That'll be next on my list of things to do now I'M FREE AND HAVE NO MORE EXAMS :D

To end, just a couple of blog shoutouts to a few people I know from school and college, 'cause I felt like it and enjoy reading their blogs...

Sophie @ Milk, No Sugar - Sophie is the editor of Working Title (college magazine) and since whenever it happened to be that I accidentally got dragged into one of the early magazine meetings, we've somehow found ourselves talking almost everyday about either WT or languages :) Yes, FINALLY I've found someone who I know in real life who is as obsessed with her language (French) as I am with mine (Spanish) - it's also quite handy as everytime she writes something in French, I realise that I can read French quite well without knowing any... She blogs about general stuff, but more than often French.

Hollie @ GoodGollyMissHollie - Hollie is also a member of the Working Title team and is also in my Media class :) She's a beauty blogger and even though that's usually not my thing at all, I love reading her blog (especially the 'Nails of the Day' posts). She also has a YouTube  channel which can be found here :) 

Aiden @ Bubble Dreams - I've known Aiden about 6 years, and we were in the same form at high school etc and are still friends even though we don't see each other much anymore. He blogs about thoughts and feelings, mainly, and if you're intrigued to see into the mind of someone else then I'd suggest you head over there and check his blog out :)

Just want to also say a quick shoutout to Fern, because she actually commented on my last post :O haha. Hola Fernion :)

If you have any favourite blogs, let me know, I'm looking for some new people to follow on here :)


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