I don't normally double blog, but I've been meaning to do this one for a while. One of my favourite bloggers recently did a post on 'pet peeves' and I instantly knew I wanted to do one too...because firstly, who doesn't love a good moan? And secondly, it sounds kind of...fun? We also recently compiled 'Top 10 Annoyances' for the college magazine, so this fits right in.
Firstly, Facebookers. The fundamental flaw with the whole website is the people that use it. No, 12 year old, we don't want to know that two minutes ago you were sitting on the sofa, but are now sitting on the chair. Nobody is interested in the 'frape' packed with weird innuendo and we're pretty sure that Facebook isn't going to reply everytime you update with ''off to bed, goodnight Facebook xxxxxxx''.
People that walk around for days or even weeks with chipped nail varnish. Honestly, it makes me cringe. At least chip the tiny little black patch in the middle of your nail off...I'm pretty sure you don't want to walk around looking like you have some sort of nail disease. Equally, people that walk around with about 3 false, manicured nails remaining and the rest of their nails painted bright red or something - you look ridiculous, I'm sorry, you just do.
Having my back to people. I seriously can't even be followed up the stairs without cringing. I can't sleep unless I'm facing the door and I always attempt to sit at the back of a classroom so I don't have people behind me...even when I used to have to wear glasses for up-close vision I'd sit at the back and just be partially blind. Yes, that's how much of an issue it is.
People that bite metal cutlery when eating/people that scrape cutlery along plates/bowls. I have been known to tell my family off for doing this, especially my dad and brother. In fact, I've also been known to leave the room. I can put up with my dad's ridiculous eating noises unless he's doing either of these, and my brother's just a terrible eater. It's no wonder he needs braces if he chews every piece of metal he encounters...
People that EAT while in public toilets. Honestly, I have never understood this one. At high school, there was a crowd of girls that would spend their entire breaktimes and lunchtimes sitting on the toilet floor eating. Truly baffling. And the germs...goodnesss.
Tearing only the corner off a piece of paper - I had to do this to write my email address down for someone on Thursday but debated it for a few minutes first. I HATE messy paper. Equally, if I tear a piece of paper from my college notepad and it tears down the edge, it is the end of the world.
People that use coloured pens for essays. Black is acceptable, blue at a push, but nothing else please. I have a friend who handed in a piece of coursework that had been written in light green pen. Pens that make noises when they're being used are equally as irritating, as is the 'scratchy pencil' noise. Yuck. My life was made when I started in Y6 and was finally allowed to write in pen instead of pencil.
Wet hair - seriously freaks me out, as do people who chew their own hair.
Students who ask you what you're studying and then go ''oh...'' because you're not studying maths and your only science is a social one. You're not better than me because of your subject choices. And arguably, you're not studying a language, pretend person, so you are also inferior. Also, students that are studying 'less academic' subjects who make out like all of your subjects are insanely hard. It's a ridiculous cycle of being inferior and being superior and at the end of the day, we all study different things because we're different people. End.
People in supermarkets. I can guarantee that a trip to (our new, huge, ridiculously unmanned) Sainsbury's will end in complete fury at a) my mum and her ''we have to walk slowly so we see everything'' theory and b) the randomers that will just stop in front of you, leave their trolley in the middle of the aisle or happen to be in your way everytime you move. If I ever have a position of authority, there has to be a law on irritating shoppers. Honestly, just make a list. You end up buying the same things every week anyway.
Odd numbers. Everything has to be an even number - the amount of sweets in a packet, folders I take to college, piles on my desk...everything. Thankfully, my friend Zoe is also an odd number hater, so I'm not a freak alone.
I cannot wear socks. I just can't do it. Unless it's winter and my feet are cold in bed, in which case bed socks are perfectly acceptable. I've only worn one pair of socks recently and that was to walk around Auschwitz in the rain. People that wear knee high socks also make me cringe (just because it usually looks terrible and they usually wear them with tights and shorts, just no), as well as neon legwarmers and/or socks. In fact, neon clothing. It should be banned unless being used as reflective clothing at night.
Finding objects in places they really don't belong in - my latest moment was finding a whole pencil in the bottom of a water cooler tray. How on earth did it even end up in there? The best I've ever seen was a pair of shoes tied to a power line in my village. Why? Just, why?
Finally, people that never make an effort. Seriously, even if it's just a simple text to confirm something unclear, do it. It's going to take up, what, less than a minute of your entire life? And presents, if you're going to buy me a £5 Boots set for Christmas because you ''don't know what else to get me'', donate the money to a charity. I'd much rather receive nothing than a gift that has no thought behind it. Eliza did this for me last Christmas at my request and donated money to a charity I'm interested in. See, effort, thinking, it's not that hard. Equally, people who do absolutely nothing when you're put into groups in classes. I'm finding the task hard too, but at least I'm contributing rubbish ideas rather than nothing. Oh, and people that say they ''can't be bothered'' doing things like getting dressed, climbing a set of stairs or finishing something they've already started. Stop being so lazy, go upstairs and get dressed and then just finish it. Grrr.
It probably shouldn't have felt quite as good as it did to write that post, right? ;P
Now, your turn. Leave me a comment if you agree with any of these :)
Besos ♥
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