Sunday, 7 August 2011

Diamonds are a girl's best friend...and beads...and charms...

I got back from France late last night after 16 hours of travelling. I'll do a post on that some other time. Right now I'm mainly thinking about one thing: jewellery.

Since my purchase of some craft pliers at some point last year my love for creating pieces of jewellery has continued to grow steadily. In fact, I've found that I haven't purchased a necklace in a long time, and I only really wear necklaces that I've made myself now. Why? I'm not really sure. Firstly, I just seem to prefer wearing homemade jewellery, it just seems more personal. I'm not really one for expensive jewellery, clothes, shoes, bags etc. Secondly, I just find that jewellery in the shops at the moment (even my favourite - Accessorize) is conscious. I know that's the point of it, but the nicest things in the shops are always ruined by something that the designer's just attached to make it fit a line, and you usually find that it adds at least a fiver to the price. Aside from that, I'm bored of seeing the same jewellery reworked in shops. 

Homemade jewellery, on the other hand, is exactly what you want it to be. If you have the time and the patience, you can make yourself something for less than it would cost in a shop and without the annoyance of bits you don't like attached to it.

There is a point to all of this, I promise.

While in France, we had a day trip to Dinan - a little medieval town somewhere in Brittany. We went because I found out that my favourite bead shop, Yum Yum Beads, from Leeds has a shop there - La Perlerie. Well, we walked about for hours looking for it, and it turned out to be at the bottom (almost) of a massive hill. Now, if you know me, you'll know I don't like hills...ha. It was so worth it, though. Firstly, the woman that served me was English, so it didn't even matter that I completely lost count of how much money I was spending and I didn't have to interpret her French because it was all in English. Yay! Secondly, they had so much more than the shop in Leeds. Seriously, I could've bought everything. I spent about €22 but could've spent way more if I'd wanted to, there was just SO MUCH to choose from.

One problem, though, I didn't take my pliers, so I couldn't make anything while in France. What did I do today? This...

You may be looking at the second picture and thinking ''what on earth is that?'' - don't worry, I'm not sure myself. I was attempting to work out how a ring I bought a few years ago was made and I think I got close, but this attempt was, well, terrible. It's also already broken because I cut the nylon too short and couldn't tie it properly. Oh well, you live and you learn. PS: My nails are George at Asda in the shade of 'Troll' with a top coat of clear polish, it dries matte otherwise. The necklace I made is a stack of beads on a headpin on a 'silver' chain. Yes, the headpin is bronze. No, I didn't think about that until I'd finished making it. Again, oh well. 

So, forgive me for my slightly materialistic post, but I think a girl should be allowed to go a bit mental for jewellery every now and then, don't you? ;)


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