Sunday, 4 September 2011

One With Purity

I clearly need to find something to occupy my free time with, because this evening has mainly been spent researching my name. My mum and I somehow ended up discussing yesterday evening what my name looks like in Hebrew. Yeah, we live very sheltered lives...

Anyway, I've always known two things about my name:
1) It is a Hebrew/biblical name
2) It means 'ewe' (female sheep)
I've always jokingly told people that obviously with a name that means that, I was always going to be a little bit odd. 

According to Wikipedia, my name can also mean ''one with purity'', which is a much nicer meaning. My middle name, Elizabeth, means ''God's promise'' or ''God is my oath''. I find it a little odd how my parents have given me names with such strong religious connotations when nobody in my immediate family would consider themselves very religious. Even my surname has religious connotations, something that I have only just realised (no, this won't make sense unless a) I know you or b) you follow me on Twitter). 

I quite like my name in the Hebrew alphabet. It's simple and easy to remember.


The word in Hebrew starts at the end of the name, so it reads 'lhr'. It misses out the a, c and e, no idea why. Perhaps it's how it's pronounced? The letters are, in order from left to right:
Lamed - ל
Het - ח
Resh -  ר

Could I be anymore of a geek? As a linguist (OK, so not really, but it sounds cool so we'll go with it), I'm actually fascinated. I don't have any foreign ancestry (that I, or anybody in my family, know of), so I actually love the fact that my name can be written in another alphabet and everything. 

I also find names in general fascinating. I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but my mum's name (Susan) means ''lily''. Lily is my grandma's name (her mum). Me and my brother both have names that end in 'el', although I'm pretty sure this was just coincidence because when I've asked my parents how we ended up being named, I was told ''we just liked them''. 

I think as far as randomess in blog posts goes, this is pretty random. I just thought it was interesting, haha :)


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