Saturday, 15 October 2011


...I've been wrestling with my laptop. Still. I'm now on the main computer, wrestling with the world's worst keyboard. I've had so many things to write about this week and nowhere to write them - I even picked my diary up again on Thursday. Yes, really.

Here's what I've been up to...

It was Aiden's 18th last night. I spent most of my time there sitting with Sophie (pictured) and laughing at the ridiculousness of the woopee cushion costume to our left. I also got to see Poppy again, which was awesome. I saw other people too, but they're not really worth mentioning. Ahem...

I was 'Spanish' and Sophie was 'French' (it was fancy dress) - my costume was ridiculously last minute, so I didn't really look Spanish at all. I also loaned Sophie the beret ;)

However, the main event of yesterday was not Aiden's party, being paid £100 by college for writing a letter for the prospectus OR having an awesome impromptu choir rehearsal.

No, the main event of yesterday was me passing my driving test :D First time trying, only 5 minors. Woo! :) And, dare I say, it was kind of easy. Waiting a year definitely paid off for me.

This week was odd. Tuesday was spent having coffee and a gossip with Jess while tidying the Amnesty office. There were other events, but that's pretty much all I remember of it. Every single time we talk, we always get into discussing how it's odd that we've become so close after Poland. We went to experience (as best as we could...) one of the most horrific things to have ever occurred, yet from it, a wonderful friendship has emerged. I love all of my friends, but I could never thank Jess enough for how much she's been there for me in the past few weeks. Jess, if you've come over here to read from Tumblr, thank you.

I'm pretty much just counting down to half term now. I'm going away to Edinburgh for the first three days of it (I think) - I'm desperate to get away from normality at the moment so it should be good. Except, of course, we're staying in a Holiday Inn hotel, and the last time I stayed in one of those the hotel made me quite ill. Oh...

I have a few post ideas - so may actually handwrite them then type them up when I can steal this ancient computer.


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