My week in pictures
Monday was the consultation evening for parents. It was alright, nothing awful and for once I didn't cry. The downside was that we had to run about between the common room and the LRC all evening and we had at least 20 minutes to wait to see my Psychology teacher because of it. Great stuff. When it finished, we had to drive to a service station to pick my grandad up (don't even ask) so ended up going for a coffee. Possibly one of the oddest nights of my life thus far. The coffee wasn't even that nice - that's what you get for using WH Smith's Costa Express rather than proper Costa. Hmm.
Sophie and I had a sort of picnic in the languages classroom on Tuesday. We couldn't go in the lab (booo) but Judith let us into her room (which for the first time ever, was warm, so warm we had to open a window. NCP languages students will know why this is such a massive deal ;P). I don't even remember what she was drawing a bridge for, but I do know that it amused me greatly. I spent lunchtime promoting World Aids Day with the rest of the SOS group in the common room. Above is one of the group pictures we took :)
I was kindly greeted with this obstruction in the park this week too (Wednesday?). It was so windy it actually knocked the tree down. was the second closest to it in terms of parking. Not good. I don't think any cars were harmed/completely crushed by it, but there are usually LOTS parked directly underneath where it fell. I bet the drivers of those cars all feel ridiculously lucky...

Yesterday was Write For Rights day 2011 at college and the Amnesty group did a campaign in the common room. Students signed cards and petitions and one of our biggest staff supporters even had his class signing cards he asked reprographics to make for him. How awesome is that?! We also hosted our first ever Amnesty Debate in G6 and the group seemed to enjoy debating 'the death penalty and surrounding issues'. Little Rachel and Georgia even did some research and brought it with them. It warms my heart so much to see that there are students who care.

Then, finally, last night I went to the 18th party of someone I went to school with (Chris) and some of the usual group. In these photos I'm with Eliza and Danny. It wasn't the best party ever (there was no dancing and the music was fairly terrible) but it could've been a lot worse. It was nice to do something other than just sit in the house on a Friday evening anyway :) Eliza and I left at 10:30ish because she had work today and I've caught another cold :( Booo.
I don't have a photo of the last thing I want to mention, but guess who got two offers from the University of Leeds yesterday? ;) It seems that it somehow inspired me to learn Swedish again, even though neither of the courses I've applied for involve Swedish at all, and today I sat and did a lesson. I also wrote most of my Christmas cards. Just a ton of revision to get done tomorrow, then :(
Besos ♥ Rachel
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