What I felt like discussing today was music, seen as I'm listening to some of the best there is right now.
Or, more specifically, two actually amazing Yorkshirewomen and my first experience with real music.
I first heard of one of them when I was in year six (I think). Actually, it could've been during the summer between 5 and 6, either way I remember it was summer. I recall writing in my diary whilst I was at my great Auntie Doris' caravan in Bridlington (I could post a million posts on that caravan and my memories of it...one would probably be watching the eclipse with my Uncle Peter, Auntie Verena, cousins Amy and George, my parents and brother Daniel, my Grandma, Auntie Doris and probably more...) I was possibly (probably) bored when I wrote the entry. All I recall is that I kept getting her name wrong, I called her 'Kate Busby' (got any clues yet?) and wrote something about going to see her in the holidays.
Turns out that ''going to see her'' meant going to a fabulous, rather large yet eerily intimate gig at Cannon Hall Farm with my parents, my brother and my Uncle Andrew (my dad's twin brother). I remember squashing in the back of the car alongside a cooler bag of drinks (probably beers for the adults, orange squash for the kids - we lived wildly back then...) and several large bags of crisps (again, living on the wild side here guys). I also remember queueing with my mum for a plastic cup of lukewarm tea, but let's forget that part for now, shall we?
I wish I could say I remember the setlist - I don't though. I do, however, remember her playing I Courted A Sailor (oh Im bound for the waves, the waves dearest Annie, I'm bound for the waves etc etc) and my all time favourite song of hers, Underneath the Stars. She was maybe touring with the album, I don't remember whether that's true or not either though. Freezing cold, feeling ill from my crisp and orange squash binge and fed up of my brother, I sat transfixed listening to what was going to become one of the most wonderful songs I have ever heard. I can justify that by saying I only heard it once, but then three years later when I heard it again I remembered it vividly, and it still makes me tear up a little.
Anyway, I went to her concert at Wakefield Theatre Royal in May 2008 (I just spent about 20 mins Googling that) with my dad. We had hideously bad seats, the people next to us came in late just as the show was starting and my view was obscured by a pole (no warning before booking, I might add!) I wasn't expecting the support act to be in any way decent (it's Wakefield, after all) - I was wrong. I was so wrong that I still beat myself up about the fact that I didn't go with my dad to see her at the Clarence Park Free Festival later that year. I couldn't be talking about anyone except Rosie Doonan *cue picture my dad took at the CPFF that I missed*

I listen to both Rosie and Kate frequently, and nobody calms me down as much as Kate's music can. I may blog again later about something with a little more purpose, but for now, here are two links to Rosie and Kate's MySpace pages so you can have a listen for yourself.
Note: Underneath the Stars in on Kate's MySpace...you may want to stock up on tissues before pressing play :)
Now, onto the matter of 100 artificial roses and the buns. I basically raised a lot of money for myself towards my World Challenge fund by selling an anonymous rose delivery service in school for the week and also selling buns with some other team members. It's been such a hectic week and I've barely had a moment to sit down and breathe, let along sit down and blog. So that's why I've been absent for a while...I've been super busy! But, I do have a week and a day off now and no work to do over the ''holidays'' so I'll probably blog a fair bit.
Before I sign off, I'd just like to say a HUGE thank you to my wonderful friends who all helped out with the roses and buns this week - you're all amazing :)
And by 'all', I'm specifically talking about Fern and Aiden, but also everyone else for putting up with me rushing off everywhere every ten seconds. Thank you. Also thank you to my form tutor for letting me leave my assorted junk all over her room for a week :)
Right, that's it from me. Enjoy listening to Kate and Rosie, leave me a comment if you want any recommendations for either of them :)
Have a great weekend,
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