Monday, 1 March 2010

Happy 1st Month Anniversary and a Message

So, apparently (I think) today is the one month anniversary of my blog, and if not, it's certainly close. It would be easier if February had slightly more days than just 28 - I mean, come on, who thought that idea up? 28 days as opposed to 30 or 31, madness...

I wish I had something celebratory and upbeat to say today, after all, it is a rare occasion for me to blog during a school week, particularly on a school night. But, unfortunately I don't. It's quite the opposite.

In fact, I don't even have anything in particular to say - but I feel like I should not only because it's the one month anniversary, but because I feel like I have a point to prove.

I'm just a person.

I hurt just as much as the next person. I beat myself up over failings just as much as everybody else. I want people to accept me for who I am just as much as you do.

And when people don't realise this, it's often too much to bear. Especially when I've done something that they should have been doing and then they've had a go at me over it. This makes no sense, I realise, I don't like elaborating on things like this in case the people I'm talking about read it - it's not worth the hassle.

This fact has gone round and round in my head these past few days, though mostly right now as I'm dealing with ''a situation'' that's neither pleasant nor good. I have Spanish work to do this evening, I'm almost glad as it will hopefully distract my mind from thinking.

On the plus side, though, Dusty had her final vets appointment at 4:10 this afternoon and she's doing well. I didn't get to see ''the nice vet'' which is perhaps good as I was almost in tears (long story) and he's that nice that even him just saying ''hello'' may have set me off crying. Not good. But she's doing well and there doesn't seem to be a problem with her.

Whoever or whatever worked their magic for her, thank you :)

Con el amor, la confusiĆ³n y la frustraciĆ³n,

PS: I'm rather proud of my Fern getting 50/50 on a piece of coursework and 49/50 on the other. She's just that amazing :)

PPS: I've just remembered I have a jab on Wednesday. Oh dear...

1 comment:

  1. Thank You very very very very very very much, you are rather amazing yourself! Happy anniversary aswell, you are rather a professional Blogger lol! Love You Lots X x x <--- Big X little x lol and thank you for letting me use your account x x x
