Sunday, 29 August 2010

Broek, Furrë, Wǔfan

Sorry for the slight blogging absence. I've been busy doing pretty much nothing for almost a week (yes, that is my excuse...) As you'll be aware if you read my last post, I got my GCSE results last Tuesday and I'm beyond proud of my 8A*s and 5As. I was really shocked at some of them, but overall ridiculously proud of myself. I got an A* in Spanish meaning that I can definitely study it in college, which I was really nervous about because I was convinced I hadn't got a B or above. Anyway, I can study it at college, I enrolled last Wednesday and I begin full time this coming Thursday (2nd September). Exciting times.

As you may (or may not) also remember, I have finally made a productive start on my summer project. To recap on what it actually is:
1. I have randomly listed 5 words in a random language for each day;
2. Each day I will learn 5 words of one language;
3. This will continue until all the words in my project folder have been learnt.
There isn't much of a point to this, but I have maintained for a long time now that learning new languages is one of the best ways to prepare yourself for being older and making your own way in the world. I'm not going to fully explain why I think that, that should be another post all to itself. I will give you just one reason though. The word 'No' translates to 'Ne' in at least 11 languages. The world 'Yes' translates to 'Ja' in 12 lanuguages, 'Ya' in a further 2, and 'Da' in 9. You see, if you can say No as Ne in 1 country, you can say it in a further 10... Languages are much easier than people tend to believe when you actually think about them.

So, here are 3 days' worth of words for you to be learning. I'll try to upload them in groups of 3, every 3 days, however starting college on Thursday might put a halt to this plan. However, I'll make sure to keep uploading them.

Day 1: Afrikaans
Botter - Butter
Broek - Trousers
Hous - House
Hond - Dog
Geel - Yellow

Day 2: Albanian
Bukë - Bread
Furrë - Bakery
Pikant - Spicy
Embeltorrë - Sweet shop/Confectioners
Policia - Police

Day 3: Mandarin Chinese
Ching - Please
Jintian - Today
Bushi - No
Wǔfān - Lunch
Shuǐ - Water

I must confess to not knowing which 3 are next up, I can only remember (they're in alphabetical order, so you could probably guess) that Croatian is next. I may select 10 words for this as I'm pretty sure I'll have learnt the 5 I selected considering that I chose them before I went to I'll probably have learnt them by now without realising.

I also have 4 crafty/baking posts lined up that I hope to get written up in the next two weeks or so. I've got so many ideas for posts in my head right now and not enough time to write them. The plan is to review a crafts product I bought last weekend, write up my recipe for cupcakes, write up my method for creating your own notebook right from scratch and finally a jewellery making themed post. These posts are also providing me with a great excuse to experiment with my dad's SLR camera once more.

At the moment, I feel like my blog is a bit like doing admin, which isn't very pleasing and I hope it's not lacking in enjoyment to read. I'm sure I'll be back to blogging as I did when I first started out once I start college and ''teenage issues'' start filling my mind once more. Oh, the joys! I'm also amazed that this blog seems to gain visitors each day regardless of whether I've posted that day or not. Hello to all new readers :) Please feel free to leave comments on any post, I always enjoy reading your views :)




  1. "You see, if you can say No as Ne in 1 country, you can say it in a further 10... Languages are much easier than people tend to believe when you actually think about them." --> I agree with that. Hund means dog and Haus means hause in German, and they're very similar in Afrikaans.

  2. As well as Dutch, because Afrikaans originates from Dutch. And of course 'Haus' is like 'House' and 'Hond' is like 'Hound' - which is another word for dog in English :)

  3. Petty nice and in no time you will be a fluent in so many languages. :) Congrats dear.
