Monday, 23 August 2010

Give us a break!

So, we get our GCSE results tomorrow and already the media hounds are out in full force and trying to undermine whatever achievements we may have. I won't bore you with the details, but apparently, GCSEs are SO easy that getting an A or A* means nothing this year.

Yeah, right.

I know how hard I've worked over the past two years, I know how much effort it takes to even get up to an A or A* standard, let alone actually getting the grade in the exam. I know that whatever my grades are tomorrow, I've worked hard for them and nobody can take that away from me. But here's where it really annoys me: nothing my generation do is good enough. We walk down the street...we're going to mug somebody. We go in a shop...we're going to steal something. We have fun with our friends...we're too loud. We watch TV...we're too lazy. We get A and A* grades...we're not good enough.


I've always been on the ''good side'' for pretty much my whole life, and I don't plan on swapping sides anytime soon (or ever, really), but I'm beginning to understand why some people give up. No matter how hard we try or how well we do, we're never good enough. The way I see it is that if you haven't recently sat a GCSE paper, you have no right to make negative comments on the way they are. Unless journalists have been in a maths exam and sat the paper, how would they know how hard it really is? They wouldn't, would they? Unless they've been in a Spanish oral exam, they wouldn't know how tough learning the language is, would they? You get the picture, right?

I don't understand why the media can't just give my generation a break. There are people around my age doing amazing things for the better of many people, there are people around my age who spend their lives studying and taking in everything they could learn, yet they're still not good enough. It's stupid.

Tomorrow is judgement day for us, and we all have the right to be nervous, excited, indifferent etc. We can handle it however we like and be as proud as we want of our results. They might not mean anything to these critics, but they mean a lot to us...and that's what matters really.

Good luck to everybody receiving results too tomorrow. I hope you achieve everything you want and more :)



  1. There's so much I agree with in this post it's unreal. More now than ever are GCSEs and qualifications made difficult because as people are getting smarter overall the standard of education is getting higher, we were always pushed to beat the year before us that beat the year before them (etc.) that all beat the national average scores by far.
    It's a lot of pressure for teenagers but I'm glad that we've done well out of it all because we all put in a lot of effort.

  2. Only just spotted this comment, I wasn't just ignoring it.

    At the end of the day, we did our best and our best was good enough - nobody can take that away from us.
