Tuesday, 10 August 2010


One of the things I think I'll always remember about high school is one time in Art when our teacher was absent for the lesson and we got to pick what we did. Let me get one thing straight right now, because I don't want to mislead you, I HATED Art with a passion. I really, really detested the subject. I disliked my teacher in the lessons, but she was really nice to me outside of lessons (weird, right?) and I felt really restricted by the topics we covered. I've never been any good at what they call 'art' in school, but I never felt like I was given a chance to even try and be good at it...

Until this one lesson, when we got to pick what we did, drew, painted etc. It took me ages to decide what I wanted to do, but when I had the idea I was ridiculously proud of myself. I was going to draw around my handprint, and then fill it w
ith pictures that symbolised me. You know, because your handprint is like your identity, and so are the things that make you...you. I'm still quite proud of myself for thinking of that, and I still have the picture I produced - it's stuck in the front of my leavers' scrapbook.

But, since that joyous hour in art class back in year nine, I like to think that my artistic abilites have grown considerably, even if only in small ways. I'm still working on my summer languages project (I even have a special project folder, I'm SO excited to share it with you all soon! :P) but I'm now undertaking another very short project - and I'm stupidly proud that it came from my brain - especially considering how lacking in intelligent or productive thoughts I am this evening.

Basically, I'm going to make a collage. No big deal, I do it on a weekly basis now pretty much, they all go inside my summer project folder. But this collage will be different, because once it's finished - guess what it's going to be shaped like? Yep, you got it, my handprint. I'm going to fill it full of pictures of musicians I like, lyrics I love, TV shows I watch and other small things that make me...me. I'd love it if some of you gave it a go and posted pics of yours on your own blog or on Twitter. Or even if you drew a handprint or even just made a collage and left it at that. Basically, I'd love to get to know some of my readers. Because, according to the tracker on here, there are way more of you than I ever anticipated there being from a wide range of countries - and I'd genuinely love to know a little about you guys :) If you plan on giving it a go, please let me know via comments so I can find out how your projects turn out :)


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