I achieved 19 things in 2011 that I set out to achieve at the beginning of the year. Sensible, logical targets such as 'pass all of my AS levels with As and Bs' were scattered amongst much more subjective targets such as 'see the good in everything'. Incidentally, I think these two are the two I'm most proud of.
So why, after not bothering last year, am I writing now? Listen to the link below - I hope you'll be able to figure it out for yourself.
Jamie Hartman - Happy New Year (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIF89M07IWg&feature=player_embedded)
The new year is always anticipated with mixed emotions. In the days following Christmas, still in the run-up to the new year, I find that I tend to go a bit crazy. There's suddenly the realisation that the year is ending, and even though the whole world isn't going to end with it, the pressure to achieve always gets to me. Always.
“Say happy new year, ‘cause this is the end of all that was broken and you needed to mend. Let go of your fears, say happy new year. ‘Cause this is the start, start over new, and all that you wanted, all that you wanted, is coming to you. And you’re finally here, say happy new year.” I cannot begin to tell you how much those words have made me think in recent weeks. I think back to the beginning of the year and I remember how dark my head was...
January Exams, Fern's birthday, college magazine pressure, Amnesty Group pressure, Media coursework pressure (and can I please just say how awesome my friends were at helping me out with that - love you guys!), general life pressure, but then, a lot of memories too.
We reconnected with my dad's extended family after pretty much my entire lifetime at my Uncle Joe's 80th birthday party. We hugged, we caught up, sentences such as 'I have no idea who just hugged me' departed our lips but we didn't care. We were there, we were together, we were family. And throughout this whole year, I can honestly say that I have never stopped being thankful for this night.
That Media coursework I mentioned? Meet the cast and crew of You Call That News? My friends (L to R: Joe, Poppy, Eleanor, Danny [at table], Aiden, Eliza) were absolutely brilliant throughout the whole process of shooting, editing, re-shooting, photographing, covering a drama studio in newspaper and improvising after the lights wouldn't work. They were fantastic and funny, and I couldn't have been more thankful. Here is the actual advert, and here is the brilliant outtakes video I posted too.
Friendship, in its purest form as far as we know, on Fern's birthday. There's also a shot of Eliza and I cutting out random shapes from coloured paper and Fern with her brilliant banner (as designed by Eliza in Photography class...) One thing we're all good at is deciding we must bring in food when it's somebody's birthday ;)
And then it was onto February, a month that generally seems to pass me by without me realising. It was a humbling month. February 16th will forever remain a poignant day in my memory. To Adam: I will never forget your composure that day, the way you came back to the stall and 'got on with it'. I admired you so much that day for how you dealt with everything that was going on.
March brought a fresh month, I recall. After the turbulence of February, it brought fun and new experiences. Poppy (hi, CT!) and I spent a day busking for Red Nose Day dressed as a hula girl and, well, I'm not sure what Poppy was. It was fun, it was liberating, and I'm thankful that nobody saw either of our rehearsals - one was spent sitting around her dining room table trying to choose songs we could half-sing, the other was spent sitting in my bedroom attempting to muster the enthusiasm to rehearse. This also brought a bus ride home on the college bus singing while Poppy played her ukulele. March was definitely Poppy's month, in my mind.
April was stressful. I remember being stupidly angry all month about pretty much everything. The 6th always sends me into meltdown, even though it really has no logical reason to, and this was coupled with several high-stress situations. We had the Amnesty handover meeting and I became President of the group, with the lovely but mental Jade was Vice President, Eleanor as Treasurer and Eliza as Press Officer. We said goodbye to Adam and Jonathan and looked forward to our future as a team.
May was massively stressful. The first anniversary of leaving school came and went without me really realising. We had exams and all the stress and pressure that comes with it. As you can probably appreciate, this left literally no time to think about taking pictures of anything...
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Photo courtesy of the University of Leeds |
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Team Sheepish! |
I mainly remember spending August feeling completely anonymous in Perros-Guirec, France. It was refreshing knowing that nobody knew me. I had fun going in and out of French supermarkets (weirdo alert!) (Super U Tregastel was my favourite) and even visited La Perlerie in Dinan, which I would definitely recommend for people who make jewellery. My brother and I spent evenings watching Not Going Out DVDs and eating Milka chocolate. There was nothing to worry about. Nothing.

Poppy and I also met Daniel Sloss and Kai Humphries after she kindly gave me her spare ticket to the Sheffield gig. Be jealous, folks, be jealous ;) (This is also why Poppy is awesome...)
And, finally, December. Eliza's hula themed 18th (I know, I know, and if I'd have known, I'd have SO saved my hula costume from March ;P). We also went for our annual Christmas gift exchange meal/bowling outing to Xscape and rather enjoyed watching Eliza and Sarah somehow NOT fail at the bowling part (you all know what I mean, guys). Christmas came and went, and life has gone on. I have spent the holidays in a Christmas-induced panel show style TV coma, doing nothing but watch things on YouTube or pick my mum up from work. But I'm OK with that, and I'll work hard to do well in my January exams regardless.
Now I know there are bits I've glossed over. Goodness knows how many parts of the year I've deliberately ignored or even buried deeply in my subconscious. But that's how every year is. That's how life is, it seems. I may not have achieved all 30 aims for the year, but I achieved so much more besides.
But, as I sit here at 01:21am on Saturday 31st December 2011, with Happy New Year on repeat and my old diary laid out in front of me, I am content.
"I know, I know, how they laughed in your face. They hoped, and hoped, and they said you would break. Hold on, you're fine. When they cut you to size, then you turn round and smile just a little." I think if anything could sum my year up, this lyric does it perfectly. So many people around me know how accurately that describes the year, particularly the second half, for me. But despite everything that happened and the hours spent hurting, I'm taking Mr Hartman's advice to let go of my fears.
This year I have cried (a lot), I have given my time to people who needed it, I have achieved, I have received 5 university offers, I have been enlightened by wonderful people, and I have been thankful. My life has been touched by beautifully-minded friends and I have been reminded of why it is so important to look for the good in every situation. 2011 gave me opportunities and I made the most of (the majority of) them.
This is easily the longest blog post I have ever written. But, you know, it's got a year's worth of content in it, so...
My aims for next year?
1) Laugh more
2) Find the courage to rise above those who want me to fall
3) Document things more - it's important to remember the bad as well as the good
4) Be present - and that can be interpreted in whichever way it needs to be
I hope that those of you who have made it this far are also able to reflect on a trying but rewarding 2011, and I hope that everybody has the 2012 they are hoping for. To those who I have referred to, and even those who I know and have not referred to here: thank you.
"Buy the ticket, take the ride." - Hunter S. Thompson
Besos ♥