Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Christkindelmarkt & more on Daniel Sloss

Hellooo :)

So, today about half of the college year went to Leeds. Myself, Eliza, Keyana and Katie made up a small part of that half. In a nutshell, Eliza bought a dead fish hat, Keyana bought a cannabis incense stick, Katie nearly froze to death and I didn't do anything funny or sad. Enjoy a few photos...

Eliza hiding behind her candy floss...
Eliza and the dead fish hat. We did about 7 laps of the market while she made her mind up about that, and she didn't take it off all the way home
I still don't know if they were *really* pancakes, but they were nice
"Logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere"
We saw Aiden in the bus station (Hi, Aiden!) and I made him take a picture of us. I'm not sure if Eliza was talking, yawning, or being deliberately dim
Right, more on Daniel Sloss. Not much, as I need sleep, but a little more. Firstly, the venue was quite small - though easily the best venue I've been to for comedy yet. You could see the whole audience quite easily and it seems to be true that comedy works best in an intimate venue. We knew who 'stoner man' was by the end of the night. That doesn't generally happen in an arena. Equally, we all witnessed one man spit on another for no reason. You don't get that in an arena either. Secondly, I've never been at a show where the main act invites the whole audience for hugs after the show ends...except for last night. And yes, we did go for hugs, and our group hug was great, thanks ;) I also owe Poppy a response to her battle rap (see yesterday's post), so you can watch for that and it'll complete my story of last night.

Now, that was terrible blogging, but I'm tired, so goodnight.


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