Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Hello, stranger

To those of you who didn't totally give up on me - do you remember me mentioning laptop problems? Well, here we are a month later and with a new laptop. Yeah, that one ended well. It's been an odd month, I've kind of had nothing to do, but I'm SO behind on college work now due to not having access to PowerPoint (I have a vendetta against that program, it makes me so angry...) - awesome.

Anyway, I'm back. Properly. Unless, of course, this new laptop decides that just completely ceasing to work is its best option, in which case you will find me hitting my head against a brick wall with considerable force. Moving on...

I'm exhausted and have nothing particularly interesting to say tonight, it's been an odd sort of day where I've spent most of it in the language lab finishing my EP presentation on the Hebrew alphabet...only for the teacher to be ill. Please tell me my life isn't the only one that has a habit of just being annoying? Here are a few pictures of what I've been up to recently...

In the holidays, my parents, my brother and I went to Edinburgh - also known as the city full of roadworks...everywhere. We only went for two nights, so we only really had one full day as two days were spent sitting in the back of my dad's car. The highlights were finding an international newsagents (Spanish magazines = entire week made), seeing a member of college staff in the queue for Edinburgh Castle and being able to sleep, slightly, during the second night. Oh, and the GIANT Starbucks I had, that was also good. 

Last Thursday and Friday, we held our first proper Amnesty Group campaign of the year. This is the only 'group' shot we got, which doesn't contain at least half of the group. We got about 160 signatures that will be sent off as part of the campaign for the human rights of the Roma people throughout Europe. From left to right in the picture, there is Jade, myself, Emma, Kim and Matthew. 

On Saturday I went to the lovely Sophie's awesome Bonfire Night party. Here's a pic of the hostess and I ;-) The party started with 7ish teenagers lining up and forming a human converyor belt to pass massive rocks across her garden, we nearly set her neighbour's tree on fire and a fire engine drove past her house at one point too. But other than the near fire, as Sophie would say, les bon temps.

Finally, Jess drew this drawing of college life while we were in the lab yesterday (she was supposed to be doing English Lit, I was typing out the Hebrew alphabet, fun stuff...). It gave us plenty of amusement, anyway. Her updated version is more amusing - probably means nothing if you don't go to our college, though.

Tomorrow is open evening and Jess, Sophie, Cory and I are all going out for food seen as we have most of the afternoon free and don't have to be back at college until 6pm. Open evenings are significantly better than average college days...

Will be back soon with proper posts again, I've missed writing :-(


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