...but this is going to be a post about nail polish. It doesn't get any deeper than that today.
Because today, folks, I am dipping my toes slightly into the waters of beauty blogging. I'm not likely to leave them in there long, but you know, it's always good to try something new.
This evening I've been talking (a lot) to my friend, Jess, about nail polishes. Her sister saw the above picture, I think on Tumblr, and she asked me about them. Well, I ended up searching for the glittery polish you can see online for her sister, and found no reviews of it anywhere - a fact that made me a little sad, because it's a beautiful polish ;)
Now, I'm pleased to report that the polish(es) in question could be yours, but not so pleased to report that only if you purchase £40 worth of Nails Inc products first. If you're thinking ''ouch!'', I sympathise. My mum bought me a set of 15 mini polishes for Christmas and the lady at the counter said we could get a free gift if we bought another product. Well, I spotted the beautiful glittery polish in the free gift set and decided that purchasing another polish would be worth it if only for the glittery one. I was right, but we'll get onto that later ;)
I chose the limited edition 'Old Bond Street' (the larger polish in the picture) because 1) it was limited edition and 2) I've had a thing for multicoloured polishes like this one recently. It is a lovely colour and there's certainly plenty of it. It's a combination of greys, beiges and purples. It shouldn't look good, but it does.
So, that sorted, I moved onto the free gift set. There were two choices of boxes - the pink one (which I chose) and a purple (I believe, don't quote me on it though). Both contained a hand cream - which my mum reports is lovely and she wants to go back ASAP for one herself - and a nail file, but more importantly, three small polishes.
The pink set includes: Edinburgh Gate (glitter), Leicester Square (purple), Burlington Arcade (pink). In the picture at the top, I used Leicester Square with Edinburgh Gate on my ring finger and rhinestones to add to the glitter :) The good news is that these polishes LAST. The above nails lasted for a week without chipping, and only chipped when I started moving tables about in the common room at college for an Amnesty campaign we ran.
What I'm trying to say here is that if you're likely to be heading to a Nails Inc concession anytime soon, and have the money or craziness to spend £40 or more on polishes, definitely watch out for this. I already have my eye on at least two more polishes that I'd like to try.
And, it looks like it's available online too folks (http://www.nailsinc.com/nailpolish/your-free-gift-when-you-spend-40-on-2-or-more-products/976/). Even if you don't want it yourself, it'd make a great gift for a fellow polish-lover :) The only downside is that I seem to have fallen in love with Edinburgh Gate, but alas, it is not available to purchase independently of the free gift set :( I'm on the look out for a good alternative, so will let you all know if I find one. Deborah Lippmann's 'Happy Birthday' is a pricey but similar polish, I may do some investigating... ;)
What are your favourite Nails Inc polishes? :)
Besos ♥
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