Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the jewellery tutorial, it's coming tomorrow :) I just wanted to check in while I have a bit of free time tonight.
Tuesday was spent revising Spanish all day, ending with a trip into college for my 20 minute speaking session. Eurgh. I also had the privilege of sitting in my dad's office for a few hours as he was my only way of getting home. It's a good job the only two other people in there were my Uncle Andrew and my Auntie Jude. Could've been worse, we laughed at how many slack employees they have.
Yesterday was spent mainly in bed, shamefully. I didn't do much in the afternoon then in the evening I did some Psychology revision. My Psychology revision timetable is going well. I still have 5 hours to get done before Tuesday, but I'm working towards it.
Then today was spent shopping where I picked up a beautiful tiny chest of drawers from Home Sense. They had loads of chests like this with different wood colours or drawer patterns, mine cost £20, the most expensive was £30. I love it because it looks, to me, really Mexican-ish and Hispanic. Perfect if you're someone like me :) I want to redecorate my room this summer (it's so babyish and dull at the moment...and too pink. Bleh) and these have given me a little idea of what I want it to look like, I'm definitely going for that brown, earthy feel but I want to get some colour a bit like these drawers have. It's going to take forever to choose everything though, I don't have much money with which I can redecorate, haha :)
This evening was filled with a nice little drive as part of my driving practice and then I've been emailing and Facebook messaging people from two different college groups this evening coordinating stuff and generally getting organised. Thank God I have a decent planner now! Next Wednesday is known as Amnesty Group election day at the moment, and I'm running/it seems I'm likely to get a role...if not the main the Vice President keeps filling me in on different things. I've also been messaging the college magazine's editor, Sophie, about everything that needs doing. I feel a bit like I've taken charge of it to be honest :/ But I'm the only one that can properly use InDesign, so while we've been putting it together, I suppose I've had to. Our deadline is next Wednesday, and our to-do list is stupidly long. Ah well, it'll get sorted. Next Wednesday is going to be a busy day for me...Amnesty election over lunch and magazine issue handover during workshop afterwards. I'll just have to sleep through Psychology period 6, 'cause I won't be getting sleep in the few days before, I can guarantee it!
Right, back tomorrow with the jewellery tutorials. I can't do a bracelet one as I'm all out of elastic, I'll get that done when I get chance to stock up :)
Besos ♥
PS: I have been really loving Didrik Solli-Tangen's Guilty Pleasures album today. Best Kept Secret and Your Song are so catchy :)
You've been an absolute life saver with the magazine! xxx