Tomorrow is my Eurovision party :) I've spent the past week rushing about to find and buy foreign food and getting music downloaded, plus getting hold of a DVD (have 2007, yes!)
One of the only things I love about where I live is that we have quite a high population of foreign people living in the area too, specifically people from Poland. On the high street, there are three foreign food shops, which is good news for someone like me hunting down foreign food. I also got hold of some royal wedding themed paper cups and plates with the Union Jack on for us to to get the UK in there somewhere, especially seen as we have an awesome entry this year.
I've just put together the has 151 Eurovision/European songs on it, and would last for over 8 hours if necessary. Oops. It's not going to be needed for that long. Never mind, people can pick and choose from all of the music if they want.
I had to force myself to do some Psychology revision earlier, I didn't do much at all, but I'm beginning to work through my revision checklist for the exam. I have until June 7th, can't be that bad (don't hold me to that, OK?) - at least I can tell my teacher I've made a checklist and done part of it if he quizzes me on revision after the holidays...
I'm also really loving Koit Toome's 'Kaugele siit' album today. It's one of my 'bus safe' albums, I can listen to it on the bus safe in the knowledge that nobody can judge me for listening to it because nobody will know what it's like :) Haha
This is a pretty rubbish post, I'm aware, I've just been so busy that I haven't had time to sit down and do a proper post in a while. I've got some ideas so I'll have a think and normal posting will probably be resumed when I go back to college :)
Finally, please all go follow @thequietoneblog on Twitter for all of my updates etc etc, I used to use it back when the blog had a different name and I've just reactivated it.
Besos ♥
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