Wednesday, 27 April 2011


Today was Adam and Jonathan's last day in the Amnesty Group. It was also the day that Jade and I took over as Vice President and President respectively. The cool part is that I now have an office (haha, 17 and I have an office, what is that?!) and somewhere to go and do my organising instead of having to do it all at home because I hate college with a passion...

But, in all honesty, I feel really bad that Adam and Jonathan have had to give their roles up (they leave this year for university) because it feels like it was hard for them to do. It's hard to be excited about something when other people feel sad about the very same thing.

I'm just glad that I'll be working with Jade, we work well together and we have a laugh, and it's so rare that I get that these days. 
Today was also the college magazine deadline. We have been fully approved to go to print. Woooo! Sophie and I were so happy to get it finished. The Principal loved it and emailed us back today, which was pretty awesome because she's always so busy and never has time to email back (still waiting to find out something about Children in Need...which was in November).

However, at the end of the day, the handover of roles is a positive thing, it will allow the group to grow and I'll remind myself of this next year when I have to hand my role over to someone else. I remember from school newspaper how hard it is to hand over something you care about so much, which is probably why I completely get why it must've been an odd day for them both. 
Tomorrow is 'office sort out day' - Jade and I have tons of stuff to go through and look fun fun! We had to bin quite a lot of cardboard boxes earlier (don't worry, it was a recycle bin...) because they were taking up that much room in the office. Neither of us like mess. Two OCD about how tidy a room is people sharing an office? Yeah, it'll be interesting. Then I have a lovely, long, 4 day weekend on my hands. Can't wait.


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