Don't get me wrong, we've had plenty of ups and downs both in our personal lives and as a group. We've worked through them though. I've gained six wonderful friends from high school, and together we make a fun group of seven.
Fern always seems to have a cheesy grin on her face that suggests she's up to no good. Nobody is more hilarious when hyperactive than Fernion. I've never known a person quite like her - I'm not sure that many other people in the world are capable of crying one minute...then crying a bit more as if the hurt would never go away...then being in hysterics with laughter by the end of the day. Who else would I take on my really, really bizarre missions (rose delivery system, teacher hunting) and drag to find people who are almost impossible to find? That's right, nobody.
Aiden is probably destined to spend forever as a student, so we'd better get used to the moaning about the workload. Just kidding. When he's in a hyper mood, Adriana is one of the most fun people I know. We generally tend to laugh at random small children shouting ''ENGLAAAAAAAA" or similar while walking home or at random strange looking year sevens in the corridor. We're the proud owners of the Rabbish and along with Eliza, Danny and Joe, he made GCSE Spanish the most fun subject you could imagine.
Joe is a bit like puff pastry...just when you think you've seen all of the layers, you find a new one. Nobody is more argumentative (or correct) as Joe, that's for sure, but he's always a good person to turn to when you want a moan and for some "manly advice". He's known within the friendship circle for often tackling Danny on a lunchtime, throwing grapes around our form room and posing with his crisps. Oh, and of course for arguing with Fern about whether tortilla wraps are bread... Oh, and one last thing...he's Judas, my son.
Eliza is also a rather complex character, but I wouldn't have it any other way. She tends to be realllllly quiet and then will suddenly do something a bit mad (i.e. make a random chicken noise/movement) to break the tension or even just because she's bored. Elizard is often being nearly raped and/or beaten up by both Danny and Zoe, and more than often I'm standing with Fern shouting at them to stop it (but mostly to no avail). She's incredibly awkward to surprise with a party however is an incredibly random and fun person to be around. Aside from that, she listens to everything people say (except when she "spaces out") and gives good advice whenever it's needed.
Danny is mad. I don't need to say much more but I will because otherwise he'll probably feel a bit left out. I'm his God and he's...well, I don't really know what he is (will flaming goat do?) Mr Southern is often stalking The Newse, fondling pretty much anybody he comes across and/or trying to take pictures James Bond style from underneath tables. He's pretty rubbish at cutting up birthday cakes however can always be relied on if you want things to smell like ''pineapple''. One last thing: HYMN!
Zoe is equally as mad as Danny, only with a bit less fondling (but only a bit). She's just fun-loving and generally a bit manic to be around but again, I wouldn't have it any other way. I never expected it, but I miss Zoe and her madness possibly slightly more than the others. I haven't known her as long as the others, but I think she's definitely made up for it by planting many, many memories inside my head. It's impossible to be in a bad mood when around her, because she just kind of radiates fun.
I have absolutely no idea what college will do to our little group of seven, but I'm sure it's going to be interesting anyway. In the meantime, I'm going to see everybody at prom tomorrow and I'm pretty sure it's going to be incredible.
So yeah, thanks guys - it just wouldn't be the same without you.
Besos ♥