For those unfamilar with this idea - it's basically a blog where I just write and there's no particular direction, it's just whatever is on my mind.
I'm currently recovering from my cousin's birthday weekend. I went out with her and 6 of her friends on Saturday night for a meal and had a good time despite barely knowing anybody. I had a good moan with one of her friends about someone we mutually know and hate so that was quite nice (haha!) and it was kinda fun to moan about this particular person to somebody new (again, haha!). We ended up having three cakes because this same friend brought two small M&S cakes for my cousin when she'd already brought one herself - it was dessert overload. Then yesterday (her actual birthday), she ended up coming to our house for the day because her mum's got a virus and was throwing up all day (not good). We had a laugh anyway and ended up with, wait for it, 5 desserts. So this weekend has just been full of chocolate/cake/pudding and I couldn't eat a thing if I tried right now.
It's less than a month now until World Challenge which is both exciting and worrying. I feel really underprepared but I suppose we all will do until we go (and come home). I had a good think about it all last night and came to some positive conclusions so that was good. I'm looking forward to being free - quite literally - for 8 days where nobody knows me and nobody can bother me. I know it's going to be life changing but it's fun trying to guess exactly which parts will change my life.
A girl on Facebook just posted a status about some homework she has to write about why it's good to go to our school. I would comment but she'd probably think I'm mental with the sheer number of reasons I could come up with. Now I've left, I am seeing it in a much better light. School was great, school was amazing. It was rubbish but it was still fun throughout and I'll never be supported by so many people ever again - gotta appreciate it while I still have it, right? A rather hideous girl commented saying something along the lines of "it's full of bitches, the teachers only care about their paypackets and the school itself is rubbish" - I kind of wonder if she's actually ever turned up to school to learn, it certainly doesn't seem that way right now. What I've found is that if you let teachers guide you and support you, things are just SO much better. This girl clearly needs a slap (or similar)...
I got annoyed at a chav I know yesterday for using the word 'sagapor' on Facebook when writing comments to everybody - she meant 's'agapo' which is Greek for 'I love you' but she just kept getting it wrong over and over again until her friend even joined in getting it wrong. It annoyed me because a) she was using it to try and look/sound/seem cool and b) her cousin (who lives with her) is Greek so clearly she could have asked and got the right word. Oh, and the Greek language is my current obsession so I've being possessive. NOBODY is allowed to use words unless they're correct (I'm not being serious here, just so you know...)
I'm currently way too warm because of my laptop being on my knee and also because I spent all afternoon baking special fish themed cupcakes for tomorrow for me and my friends to enjoy during our food tech revision (the exam's themed on fish, get it?) session that lasts two hours. My last exam is Wednesday then I am free for the whole summer. Finally!
College is still looking RUBBISH. I spent a little while last night figuring out who's in which form and there are eight people from my year all in one form, 7 in another, 5 in another etc etc. I'm still a loner in my form so I'm not really looking forward to my induction day because I don't make friends well/people don't tend to want to be my friend in return. Great fun. Apparently it's based on people having similar timetables - but that makes no sense when you look at the chosen subjects of the people in these forms as they all contrast. Logic seems to have just been thrown out of the window, so to speak.
Ooh, and I made a decent start on my summer project by beginning to compile words to learn and writing them in my special summer project folder. I've already learnt 'metamfiesi', 'pes' and 'tis' - and I must say I'm rather proud of myself.
OK, that's enough consciousness, I'm going for a shower. What have you been up to recently?
Besos ♥
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