Sunday, 27 June 2010

Get Over It

The above is something often said to me by my mum when I've spent a while feeling down about something. I'm not going to lie, it annoys the hell out of me when she just says it because it feels really quite harsh when you're upset, but she has got a point.

When I look at some people in my year, I can't help but just think ''just please, get over it". There are a few people that I've often thought this about. I just really do not understand why some people are so fascinated by others that they a) choose to spread rumours, b) openly slag them off in front of their friends and other people in the year, c) continually try to anger and upset them through any medium possible (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, MSN, in person, texts, whatever...)

I mean, seriously, we've all left now. We're not all going to the same college in September and so we probably won't see most of our year again - so why continue being a horrid person to so many people once you've left. It makes no sense. Surely people have better things to do than just become fascinated by people they claim to dislike...

As lame as it may sound, my brother had the Disney Channel on a few days ago and Lizzie McGuire came on. The episode was about how her and her friends went to see a kids show that they had liked from being young, the 'popular' girl from school was there babysitting, saw them...then made their lives hell in school. That part was kind of dull (I wasn't paying much attention though). But, towards the end, one of the characters made a good point about how this popular girl was just wasting her life paying too much attention to their likes and dislikes and should just get a life. I can't believe I'm saying this, but it makes sense.

Are my generation so insecure that everybody feels the need to make fun of others and spy on what they like or dislike, their thoughts or feelings etc? I'd hope not, but I'm starting to believe that they are. What annoys me about this possibly the most is that these people think that by making fun of others for their likes, dislikes, thoughts and feelings, they won't like/dislike/think/feel that way anymore. From my experience, their belief that this will happen is completely wrong. When people do it to me, it makes me believe more in that thing, whatever it is. Why should other people stop us from just being ourselves?

I mean, so what if you don't listen to the same music as everybody else. So what if you don't go to the ''cool parties'' that everybody seems to attend - it's not as if any of this is going to matter in even just a few weeks, is it? I've never been one to try desperately to fit in, and I've never been the sort of person that goes along with what everybody else is doing. But, even I know that it's not that hard to just leave people alone and get on with your own life.

Fair enough, be the pathetic person that just obsesses over what everybody else is doing...but if you're going to do it, just keep it to yourself. Not everybody wants to know how pathetic you want to be.

Just to end with...this is completely unrelated but I'm going to say it anyway. England just lost to Germany in the World Cup. This is no reason for everybody to suddenly start being racist (which they are online, at least). We don't need reminding of who won World War if it's somehow connected to football in any way. It annoys me how some people can't just get over that. Yes, I know what happened and I realise how horrendous it was - but it's not like he's still in power now, is it? And anyway, as a country, they're a lot better off than we are...

As a sidenote, I promise I'll be less angry next time I blog ;)


1 comment:

  1. I'm ashamed to say that I watched that episode of Lizzie McGuire many moons ago lol
