Thursday, 17 June 2010


I was watching an episode of Big Brother earlier where one of the housemates was talking about how he really hates one of the female housemates because she thinks she's better than the others because of how she looks. He also talked about how he's always hated girls like that. It actually surprised me because this housemate was arguably one of the better looking housemates, and I'd have assumed that he'd have liked the better looking housemates too - that's how it always tends to be, right?

Earlier, I was noseying on Facebook and I came across a status update by a girl that is exactly the type of girl I imagine that this housemate would hate (if he knew her, of course) - her status was basically her complaining about 'fit guys' going out with 'dog ugly girls'. Somebody commented on it saying that it's not all about looks and she sarcastically responded by saying it's about ''personality'' (and yes, it was written as ''personality'') instead. It kind of angered me to read that because it should be about personality, not just how you look and how vain you are.

For me, personality is precisely what makes a person - the clue is in the word. There's no point in being with somebody who is just completely dull but, in the words of this girl, 'fit'. I like to appreciate the personalities of people around me - I think it's important to maintain a good friendship because if you don't appreciate other people and how they are, how on earth can you say that you're good friends? I mean, think about it, if you're going to spend the rest of your life with somebody, they need to have a personality. I guess it's good to be nice to look at too, but it's better to have inner qualities too.

I've never understood people that have a new 'boyfriend' or 'girlfriend' every other week in high school, it makes no sense to me. I literally never have myself, nor have I ever wanted to. The only explanation I can think of is that they want to have one to seem better than their peers - particularly the peers that don't have an 'other half'.

You may recall me mentioning a girl that was the Facebook display picture of several boys in my year and how I find it ridiculously harsh. I was thinking about it yesterday and it struck me that although she isn't the best looking person (hence why they think it's so funny to have her as their display picture), she has the biggest personality of anybody I have ever met. She's always singing and smiling and she's lovely to absolutely everybody she comes across. Nobody can genuinely dislike somebody like her because she's just 'a joy to be around'. I don't think I've ever been friends with her because her personality is that big that I probably wouldn't be the best at handling it...but that's not a fault of hers, it's a fault of mine.

I've often felt that I don't have a particularly interesting personality (nor do I have amazing good looks to make up for it...) - and that feeling certainly wasn't helped when a 'friend' of mine told me that she genuinely didn't like me because I, and I quote, "don't tell funny jokes". She said this to me and my form tutor, who instantly pointed out that her point was stupid and she didn't look very impressed. I've always been a bit of a boring person when it comes to expressing my likes and dislikes, I've always been the sensible friend - the one who can be depended on in a crisis or if help is needed. I've never been the person who you turn to when you're looking to have fun. Or at least, that's how I feel, and that's how former friends have made me feel. I've always felt like people don't know enough about me. It's an odd thing to describe.

So, while I believe that personality should be enough for people, and that looks should count for nothing, I often wonder if that's the case with how I am to other people. Does intelligence, reliability and level-headed thinking count, or is it really all about the looks?


PS: Still looking for blog topics so please comment if you have any topics you'd like to see me write about :)


  1. I've got the same views as you really, Rach. Looks are nice to have, but it's PERSONality that makes a PERSON. That's why none of those relationships we see never last long: looks don't make a person and they try to base love on that.

    Moving on, I've always thought you're a funny person (not to look at) Rach =P I mean, you make me laugh lots. You may not make a huge display of comedy like some of the friends we have (displays I do like) but you've got your own style of humour that's just as good in my opinion =)

  2. I think the looks is important but not essential or what makes a person good. I believe we all have some quality, even when some doesn´t have that beauty or is considered a gorgeous person. You can be a nice, intelligent, good manner person and also be beautiful or not but those who thinks only about the looks or wants to related to other "beautiful" people has issues and the worst thing is that person is vain, which no matter who he/she looks, that won´t help at all to make that person relevant.

  3. this blog reminded me of a proper amazing card I'm getting you for your birthday =]

  4. Is this Becky (as in my cousin Becky haha)? How did you find this link, Twitter? :L

  5. yes, god how competent am I getting on the computer now :O and yep it was twitter
