Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Back to Normal

The Eurovision blogging is now over for a while, I know some of you will be thinking ''awww...'' and some will be thinking ''finally!", but I had a lot of fun doing it and I'm going to miss it a little. But, things are back to normal on here for a while now. For anything ESC themed, visit my Tumblr at: http://stopthismasquerade.tumblr.com/

I say that things are 'back to normal', but right now I don't have much 'normality' in my life. Leaving school has definitely given me a sense of freedom that I didn't know could exist, but it's also left me with a permanent slight sense of emptiness that I feel shouldn't be there. This, teamed with tons more odd changes, is a bit like being permanently confused. People say that you grow up and mature through high school, and yeah, I think that's true to some extent. But, I definitely think that you only properly begin to grow up pretty much once your leaving day is over. Suddenly teachers tell you to refer to them by their first name, we have all day to do nothing yet somehow have to fit revision into this hectic schedule... and it is pretty hectic, maybe not literally but emotions wise, there's a lot going on.

I'm looking forward to prom for several reasons. Firstly, exams will be over and we can all just relax and enjoy one final night together. Secondly, it'll be interesting to see everybody in a completely social situation...including teachers. Particularly teachers. I'm also intrigued to see how many girls turn up in huge pink, puffy meringue type dresses and wander around all evening telling everybody how 'hot' they look, and also how many girls turn up in something 'different' that's just plain wrong. They'll probably also wander around all evening telling everybody how 'hot' they look. Hopefully I'll look OK, at least I know I can walk properly in my dress, unlike those with layers and layers of netting and huge hoops underneath the skirt of the dress. I'll be able to get up and dance - except for if my lack of ability to dance prevents me, of course... The bitchier girls of the year will probably be out in full force staring down anybody who looks better than them, they tend to do it even in school uniform. I suppose it's mostly just about feeling good, even if the looks aren't as good as I want them to be...

I've got a packed week of exams next week, so the blogging won't be as frequent as it has been so far. Hopefully I'll do as well as I've been predicted, it's the 4 I'm dreading though, so I'm a bit terrified.

I think I'm going to have a flick through my yearbook(s) in a while, I haven't done it in about two weeks which for me, is a long time. Maybe I'm just trying to remember how it felt being at school properly - instead of revision classes and exams. I'm pretty upbeat about it all though, it's not as bad as I thought it would be thankfully.

I'm also going to begin trying to learn Croatian properly once this week is over - I have a full week off then just one exam (food tech) that is 75% common sense and 25% basic knowledge so I don't need to revise much for that if I'm being honest. I also want to try to learn some Greek over the summer. I've become obsessed with the music of Sakis Rouvas this year, and because he sings in Greek (and is Greek himself, just in case you're wondering) I've gained enthusiasm for the language. I know several words already, but they're random and don't really count for much. I still wish I could pick up some Russian, but I'm not convinced that the language style is right for me. We'll see though, I've got lots of iPod apps and Byki downloaded so I could end up learning anything ;) For anybody interested in languages, I found a great website with language games called Digital Dialects. I don't know how effective it is, but it's certainly fun and good for picking up basic vocab. If anybody has any recommendations of sites/free or very cheap yet effective software, please let me know. I'm always looking for new ways to learn and I'm a complete sucker for stuff like this...


1 comment:

  1. I'm sure that you'll do more than great in next week's exams Rach, you try hard and you're just generally smart =]
    I agree with you about Prom though, it'll be weird engaging with teachers on an equal social level rather than how it was in school. I just hope there isn't a fight between anyone, though that'd be kinda typical of our year when you think about it lol.
    Should be fun XD
