Thursday 5 May 2011


- Yesterday was my AS Spanish oral exam...Ester said I did 'well' and I was 'accurate'. I said ''llevar lo que quiero llevar'' instead of ''llevo lo que quiero llevar'' though. Oops. Managed to get a phrase she wrote for me a long time ago that featured a bunch of complicated tense stuff in though. Woo!

- I will, at some point, to this jewellery tutorial, it's just never convenient for me to upload the pictures and then post. It will be soon though, I promise.
- The Amnesty office is finally organised. Jade and I have developed a rather effective post-it note way of communicating. We managed to leave each other notes within a 5 minute time period earlier, haha :)

- Working Title officially went to print today. It only took a few weeks for the member of staff overseeing it to get our budget, but y'know. The lovely Sophie keeps calling me a legend for getting bits done :) I suppose it's quite handy that I used to edit my school's newspaper, really.

- 9 days until Eurovision :O How has it come around that quickly?! Current top ten are:
10) Croatia - Cheesy ESC style pop :)
9) Greece - Weird...which is why I like it
8) France - the French JG...aww :)
7) Spain - I understand it! ;)
6) Poland - Still love it
5) Sweden - I love Eric Saade. End of.
4) Russia - Really don't know why I love this as much as I do, to be honest
3) Norway - Ridiculously catchy
2) Denmark - Seriously. Love.
1) United Kingdom - Also seriously love, it hasn't not been played every day since I downloaded it


(PS: the top 10 has been updated since posting, I got a bit muddled up originally haha)

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